855 Violations in 60 Days Are Not Self-Defence: How Israel Turned a Truce into a Deathtrap
855 Violations in 60 Days Are Not Self-Defence: How Israel Turned a Truce into a Deathtrap

When the 60-day period set in the Israel-Lebanon ceasefire announcement elapsed, and before the announcement that the period would be extended to February 18, Israel had already explicitly declared that it did not intend to withdraw from the border…

  |   05/02/2025

Articles, Lebanon, War Crimes Alert

Human Rights Groups Urge Disclosure of Abdulrahman Al-Qaradawi’s Fate, Demand His Release and  Call for Accountability for the UAE and Lebanon for His Physical and Mental Safety
Human Rights Groups Urge Disclosure of Abdulrahman Al-Qaradawi’s Fate, Demand His Release and Call for Accountability for the UAE and Lebanon for His Physical and Mental Safety

The undersigned organizations express their deep concern over the disappearance of journalist and poet Abdulrahman Youssef Al-Qaradawi since January 8, 2025, following his boarding of a private plane bound for Abu Dhabi. This deportation was carried out in execution of a decision by the Lebanese Council of Ministers to extradite…

  |   12/01/2025

Egypt, Lebanon

Human Rights Groups Urge Disclosure of Abdulrahman Al-Qaradawi’s Fate, Demand His Release and  Call for Accountability for the UAE and Lebanon for His Physical and Mental Safety
Human Rights Groups Urge Disclosure of Abdulrahman Al-Qaradawi’s Fate, Demand His Release and Call for Accountability for the UAE and Lebanon for His Physical and Mental Safety

The undersigned organizations express their deep concern over the disappearance of journalist and poet Abdulrahman Youssef Al-Qaradawi since January 8, 2025, following his boarding of a private plane bound for Abu Dhabi. This deportation was carried out in execution of a decision by the Lebanese Council of Ministers to extradite…

  |   12/01/2025

Egypt, Lebanon

Statement by the Legal Agenda: What Now That the Main Obstacle to the Return of Refugees to Syria Has Fallen?
Statement by the Legal Agenda: What Now That the Main Obstacle to the Return of Refugees to Syria Has Fallen?

Beirut, 12 December 2024   With the fall of the authoritarian Assad regime on 8 December 2024, the barrier of fear that prevented many Syrians from returning to their country has fallen, and the fears of many Lebanese about demographic change in Lebanon through the permanent settlement of refugees from…

  |   13/12/2024

Articles, Lebanon, Syria

The Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon Demands Investigation into the Assault on the Freedoms Protest
The Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon Demands Investigation into the Assault on the Freedoms Protest

Beirut, October 10, 2023   The ‘Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon’ calls on Lebanese judicial authorities to conduct a serious investigation into the assault on protesters and journalists in downtown Beirut on Saturday, September 30, 2023. As Lebanon grapples with a dark economic, security, and political trajectory,…

  |   10/10/2023

Articles, Lebanon

Women Agricultural Workers in Tunisia are at the Middleman’s Mercy
Women Agricultural Workers in Tunisia are at the Middleman’s Mercy

On 19 October 2022, Tunisia’s government issued order no. 768, which slightly raised the minimum daily wage “guaranteed” to women working in agriculture from TND16 [USD5] in 2021 to TND17.7 [USD5.5].   This improvement, which came on the heels of International Day of Rural Women, is commendable in principle. However,…

  |   01/12/2022

Articles, Tunisia

Torture to Death: Military Justice Fails to Deliver
Torture to Death: Military Justice Fails to Deliver

On November 1, 2024, the Beirut military court issued its verdict in the case of Syrian refugee Bashar Abdel Saud, who died as a result of torture during his interrogation at the General Directorate of State Security in Tebnine on August 31, 2022. Nearly two years after his death, the…

  |   05/12/2024

Articles, Lebanon, Legislative Observatory

Lebanon’s “Minister of Culture” Desperately Tries to Resurrect Past Taboos
Lebanon’s “Minister of Culture” Desperately Tries to Resurrect Past Taboos

Caretaker Minister of Culture Mohammad Mortada recently announced that he has referred to the Council of Ministers a bill to punish the promotion of homosexuality and gender transition, which he himself drafted. This step followed a week of social media buzz about the minister’s extreme stances opposing the screening of…

  |   25/09/2023


Cementing the Power of the Quarries: An Anti-Judicial Mutiny
Cementing the Power of the Quarries: An Anti-Judicial Mutiny

On 29 May 2024, the Council of Ministers issued a decision extending, on an “exceptional basis”, the authorization for five cement companies to extract the raw materials required to meet domestic market needs for one year. The decision was proposed by the ministers of industry and environment and based on…

  |   17/07/2024


855 Violations in 60 Days Are Not Self-Defence: How Israel Turned a Truce into a Deathtrap
855 Violations in 60 Days Are Not Self-Defence: How Israel Turned a Truce into a Deathtrap

When the 60-day period set in the Israel-Lebanon ceasefire announcement elapsed, and before the announcement…

  |   05/02/2025

Articles, Lebanon, War Crimes Alert

Human Rights Groups Urge Disclosure of Abdulrahman Al-Qaradawi’s Fate, Demand His Release and  Call for Accountability for the UAE and Lebanon for His Physical and Mental Safety
Human Rights Groups Urge Disclosure of Abdulrahman Al-Qaradawi’s Fate, Demand His Release and Call for Accountability for the UAE and Lebanon for His Physical and Mental Safety

The undersigned organizations express their deep concern over the disappearance of journalist and poet Abdulrahman…

  |   12/01/2025

Egypt, Lebanon

Misinformation and Misconduct: Foreign Media Embedded with Israeli Army in Southern Lebanon
Misinformation and Misconduct: Foreign Media Embedded with Israeli Army in Southern Lebanon

Teams from foreign media and news agencies embedded with Israeli army forces entered Lebanese territory…

  |   07/01/2025


Qanuni Break – Episode 5: How can we recover the deposits?

كيف فينا نسترجع الودائع؟ المزيد في الحلقة 5 من فاصل قانوني مع المحامي كريم نمّور.   تابعونا على | Follow…

  |   03/04/2024

Lebanon, Podcast

Féminisme décolonial et crimes coloniaux

Hiwarat Fikriya, la nouvelle émission d’entretiens filmés de Legal Agenda, a rencontré l’historienne et féministe décoloniale Françoise Vergès. Avec elle…

  |   02/07/2024

Media, Tunisia, Videos

Military Justice and Torture Cases in Lebanon (Executive Summary)

Military Justice and Torture Cases in Lebanon (Executive Summary)

In September 2022, an indictment was issued in the case of the killing of Syrian refugee Bachar Al Saoud at…

  |   10/07/2024

Lebanon, Studies & Papers

Lebanon Magazine
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Tunisia Magazine
Title goes here
Little Agenda
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