Administrative Board

The Board–Lebanon

The General Assembly elects the members of the Board for a two-year, renewable term. The Board members elect a president from among themselves.
The Board calls the General Assembly to ordinary and extraordinary meetings. It prepares the organization’s annual plan and long-term plan and presents them to the General Assembly for discussion, and it monitors the work of the organization and the performance of its executive director per the plan adopted. The Board is also the body that accepts gifts and donations and approves the projects that the organization presents and carries out.
lama karame
Lama Karame
Menna Omar
Menna Omar
Nadi Abi-Rached
Nadi Abi-Rached
Hala Kerbage
Hala Kerbage
طارق زيدان
Tarek Zeidan

The Board–Tunisia

The Legal Agenda–Tunisia is a branch of a foreign organization founded in accordance with Tunisian law. Its establishment was announced in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia, issue 56 of 2016.
أحمد كرعود
Ahmed Karoud
د. وحيد فرشيشي
Dr. Wahid Ferchichi
Olfa Lamloum
Olfa Lamloum
Sharaf al-Din al-Yaacoubi
Sharaf al-Din al-Yacoubi