General Assembly

Besides electing the Board, the Legal Agenda’s General Assembly discusses and amends the organization’s bylaws and discusses and approves the annual plans. It also discusses the report that the Board submits to it concerning the previous year’s work, and it can submit recommendations and proposals to the Board.

The General Assembly currently consists of 15 members (12 from Lebanon, one from Egypt, and two from Tunisia). They are:
سامر غمرون
Samer Ghamroun
طارق زيدان
Tarek Zeidan
عبير سقسوق
Abir Saksouk
غيدة فرنجية
Ghida Frangieh
كريم نمور
Karim Nammour
جويل بطرس
Joelle Boutros
لمى كرامة
Lama Karamé
محمد عفيف الجعيدي
Mohamed Afif Jaidi
منّة عمر
Menna Omar
ميريم مهنا
Myriam Mehanna
نزار صاغية
Nizar Saghieh
د. هلا كرباج
Dr. Hala Kerbage
وحيد فرشيشي
Wahid Ferchichi
يمنى مخلوف
Youmna Makhlouf
كرم كرم
Karam Karam